SailPoint Interview Questions And Answers


List of SailPoint Interview Questions and Answers. A place where interview questions of SailPoint IIQ will be discussed.

SailPoint IIQ is one of the famous IAM tools. IAM means Identity and Access Management Tool. Through SalPoint IIQ we can manage the life cycle of users in any Organization.

Here we will study the SailPoint interview questions and answers. so let’s begin.

List of SailPoint interview questions and Answers

  1. What is the full form of SailPoint IIQ?
  2. What is the full form of IAM?
  3. What is IAM?
  4. What is Identity warehouse in SailPoint?
  5. What is Identity?
  6. What is Identity cube in SailPoint IIQ?
  7. What is Application in SailPoint?
  8. What is Application on-boarding in SailPoint IIQ?
  9. What are the various types of connectors in SailPoint IIQ?
  10. What is Schema in Application in SailPoint IIQ?
  11. What is identity attribute in SailPoint IIQ?
  12. What is display attribute in SailPoint IIQ?
  13. What is multi-value attribute in SailPoint IIQ?
  14. What is Authoritative Application in SailPoint IIQ?
  15. What is Non – Authoritative Application in SailPoint IIQ?
  16. What is Entitlement in SailPoint IIQ?
  17. What is role in SailPoint IIQ?
  18. Types of Roles in SailPoint?
  19. What is Entitlement Catalog?
  20. What is Aggregation?
  21. Types of Aggregation in SailPoint
  22. some options in Account Aggregation
  23. What is task in SailPoint?
  24. List few out of the box tasks in SailPoint
  25. What is Identity Refresh Task?
  26. What is managed attribute in SailPoint IIQ?
  27. What is extended attribute in SailPoint IIQ?
  28. What is searchable attribute in SailPoint?
  29. What is default username and password of SailPoint IIQ?
  30. What is Rule?
  31. List some rules in SailPoint?
  32. What is Aggregation rules?
  33. What is Correlation Rule?
  34. What is customization rule?
  35. What is creation Rule?
  36. What will happen, if we don’t create correlation rule
  37. What is workflow?
  38. What do you mean by Provisioning in SailPoint?
  39. What is provisioning plan?
  40. What is provisioning project?
  41. What is WorkItem in SailPoint IIQ?.
  42. What is Access review in SailPoint?
  43. What is Joiner, Mover, Leaver in SailPoint IIQ?
  44. How to access SailPoint debug page?
  45. how we can encrypt and decrypt the password?
  46. List few SailPoint objects?
  47. What is context in SailPoint IIQ?
  48. What is IQServices?
  49. What happend if we don’t use IQ service?
  50. What is the default port of IQ Service?
  51. What is Quicklink in SailPoint?

1. What is the full form of SailPoint IIQ?

The full form of SailPoint IIQ is SailPoint Identity IQ.

2. What is the default username and password of SailPoint IIQ?

The default user name of SailPoint IIQ  is spadmin and password is admin.


3. What is the full form of IAM?

IAM refers to Identity and Access Management. SailPoint is one of the Identity and Access Management tools.

4. What is IAM?

IAM is Identity u& Access Management. It majorly focuses on access management. It ensures that the right people should have only the right access to which they are authorized to access.



SailPoint IIQ Interview Questions on Identity

Below are the various interview questions related to SailPoint Identity. Identity is an integral part of SailPoint IIQ, everything revolves around an Identity. We will study various Interview questions and answers on SailPoint Identity.


5. What is the Identity warehouse in SailPoint?

The identity warehouse is the place where all the identities are present. all identity data can be located in one place called Identity Warehouse.

6. What is Identity?

Identity is user information who has access to some application. Identity is a kind of user information.

7. What is an Identity cube in SailPoint IIQ?

The identity cube is the 360-degree view of the Identity. 360 degrees means all the information related to identity can be found under the identity cube. information like personal details, access to applications, policies, entitlements, rights, etc.

SailPoint Interview Questions on Application

Below are the SailPoint Interview Questions & Answers on the application.

8. What is an Application in SailPoint?

The application you can say is the target object which will be configured in SailPoint on which SailPoint will do the governance on its data. The application will have the account data of the users.

9. What is Application onboarding in SailPoint IIQ?

Application onboarding means setting up the Application in SailPoint. In Application onboarding, various activities are being configured like

  • how to fetch the data.
  • how to correlate the data.
  • how provisioning will be handled etc.

10. What are the various types of connectors in SailPoint IIQ?

Sailpoint provides more than 60+ out of box connectors like

  • Active directory connector
  • JDBC type connector
  • Web service connector
  • Delimited file connector
  • SAP-based connector etc.

11. What is Schema in Application in SailPoint IIQ?

Schema means information of application attributes.  All application account data is stored in these attributes. Suppose there is HRMS application then HRMS application schema could be

Emp ID, Emp Name, Email ID, Status, DOJ, DOL etc.

12. What is the identity attribute in SailPoint IIQ?

An identity attribute is that attribute considered as a unique identifier in the Application while doing application onboarding.

13. What is the display attribute in SailPoint IIQ?

Display attribute in SailPoint is used to display the attribute value in the Account section of the Application. Whatever attribute will be set in the display attribute, that value of the account will be shown.

14. What is the multi-value attribute in SailPoint IIQ?

As the name suggests multi-value means more than 1. In application, if any attribute has more than one value, that attribute is marked as a multi-value attribute.

15. What is Authoritative Application in SailPoint IIQ?

Authoritative application in SailPoint is the trustworthy application for SailPoint IIQ. An authoritative application is an application on which SailPoint IIQ can rely that its account data is coming from some promised or authoritative source like the HRMS system.

16. What is Non – Authoritative Application in SailPoint IIQ?

Non-Authoritative application in SailPoint IIQ is a normal application, it’s not that much trusted as an Authoritative application. Most of the integrated applications in SailPoint IIQ are Non-Authoritative applications.

SailPoint Interview Questions on Entitlements

Entitlement is the heart of any application. Access is provided to applications through entitlements. Below are the SailPoint interview Questions on entitlements.

17. What is Entitlement in SailPoint IIQ?

Entitlement is the permission of the identity on some application or resource. When any identity has any access on some application then that access is called entitlement in SailPoint IIQ.  Read more about Entitlement in SailPoint.

18. What is the role in SailPoint IIQ?

The role is a bundle of entitlements in SailPoint IIQ. Multiple entitlements are clubbed together to make a Role. We can say that role consists of multiple entitlements.

The purpose to create the role in SailPoint is that whenever a new resource joins any organization, some role is assigned to him/her according to the designation or nature of the work he/she is responsible.

Suppose any developer joins the organization, then the developer role will be assigned to that resource so that he/she gets all the entitlements or access which is required for the development.

Therefore, any organization creates roles according to its need.

19. How many types of Roles in SailPoint IIQ?

There are basically three types of roles in SailPoint IIQ:

Organization Role: Organization roles are created at the organizational level. Every organization creates roles according to its business or need

Business Role: Business roles in Sailpoint are created according to business. Business roles are actually just designations like Supervisor, Manager, Director role, etc. The purpose of creating a business role is just to identify the different classifications of roles.

IT Role: IT roles in SailPoint are made up of entitlements. One or more entitlements are grouped together to make IT Roles. Actual entitlements are present in IT Roles.

20. What is an Entitlement Catalog?

Entitlement catalog in SailPoint is the location where entitlements of all the application reside. we can find entitlements of any application in the entitlement catalog.

SailPoint Interview Questions on Aggregation

Read SailPoint Interview Questions and answers related to Aggregation.

21. What is Aggregation in SailPoint?

Aggregation in SailPoint is the process of fetching the target application data into SailPoint IIQ.

22. What are the various types of Aggregation in SailPoint?

In SailPoint there are mostly two types commonly used for Aggregation

23. List some options in the Account Aggregation task?

There are a few options while configuring the Account aggregation task in SailPoint IIQ:

  • Refresh assigned and detect roles – If the option is selected then it will refresh the roles to the identies being aggregated.
  • check Active Policy – If this option is selected then it will check the policies and it will apply those policies to the identities.
  • Only create links if they can be correlated to an existing identity.
  • Maintain the identity risk scorecards.
  • Maintain identity histories
  • Enable delta aggregation.
  • Detect deleted accounts.
  • Disable optimization of unchanged accounts
  • Promote managed attributes
  • Enable partitioning

So, these are the few options present in the account aggregation tasks which are easy to remember. There are a few more options are present in the account aggregation task.

SailPoint Interview Questions on Tasks


24. What is the task in SailPoint IIQ?

Tasks in Sailpoint is an object who performs certain activities. It clears from its name Task means who performs some task.

25. List a few out-of-the-box tasks in SailPoint IIQ?

Below are a few most used out of the box tasks available in SailPoint IIQ

  • Account Aggregation task.
  • Account group aggregation task.
  • Data export task.
  • Identity Refresh Task.
  • Identity Request maintenance

26. What is Identity Refresh Task?

As its name suggests the Task which refreshes the identity is called the identity refresh task. The identity refresh task is run for so many reasons like

  • if any event has to trigger an identity.
  • To update the links of identity.
  • To refresh the identity after aggregation.
  • To refresh identity attributes.
  • To refresh manager status.

There are so many other reasons we need to run the Identity refresh task. The identity refresh task is also called the Refresh identity cube.

SailPoint Interview Questions on Attributes


27. What is managed attribute in SailPoint IIQ?

The managed attribute is an attribute in the application schema. if any attribute is marked as managed then that attribute will act like an entitlement attribute for that application, if you select promote managed attribute to entitlement in Aggregation.

28. What is an extended attribute in SailPoint IIQ?

The extended attribute in SailPoint stores the implementation-specific data of a SailPoint object like Application, roles, link, etc.

29. What is a searchable attribute in SailPoint IIQ?

The searchable attributes are those attributes in SailPoint which are configured as searchable. The purpose of configuring or making an attribute searchable is to use it in reports or auditing. SailPoint provides a few out-of-the-box searchable attributes.

We can also configure any attribute as a searchable attribute, but before making any attribute a searchable attribute, we have to think twice because a searchable attribute can impact SailPoint performance.

SailPoint Interview Questions on Rules


30. What is Rule in SailPoint?

Rules are an integral part of SailPoint IIQ. The purpose of the SailPoint rule is to fulfill the business requirement by writing logic. Business logic is written in Beanshell language in SailPoint rules. Rules are needed in every step like aggregation, provisioning, leaver, etc.

31. List some rules in SailPoint?

There are so many rules present in SailPoint IIQ. few are listed below:

  • Identity correlation rule
  • Customization rule
  • Identity creation rule
  • Before Provisioning rule
  • After Provisioning rule
  • Build Map rule

32. What are Aggregation rules in SailPoint IIQ?

Aggregation rules are those rules used during Aggregation. Aggregation is the process of fetching application data into SailPoint IIQ. Common aggregation rules are:

  • Correlation Rule
  • Customization rule
  • Creation Rule


33. What is Correlation Rule?

The correlation rule is an aggregation rule. The purpose of the correlation rule is to correlate the accounts to identities during the account aggregation task.

The main purpose id the correlation rule is to find and do the identity-account mapping, It maps the application account to that identity.

34. What is the customization rule?

The customization rule is another aggregation rule of SailPoint IIQ. As its name suggests it provide the facility to customize the data during account aggregation task. We can modify the data while fetching from the Application and before storing it in SailPoint IIQ with the help of the customization rule.

35. What is the Identity creation Rule?

The identity Creation rule is another aggregation rule. The purpose of the Identity creation rule is to create an identity. During aggregation, if SailPoint did not find a suitable identity to map the application account, then It creates a new identity for that account. A newly created identity remains uncorrelated.


36. What will happen, if we don’t create a correlation rule

if we don’t create a correlation rule then all the accounts will remain uncorrelated because they will not able to find the matching identities.

SailPoint Interview Questions on Workflow

37. What is the workflow in SailPoint?

Workflow is the step-by-step execution to perform some task. In SailPoint workflows are also called business processes because they process the business logic or need through step-by-step execution.

SailPoint Interview Questions on Provisioning

38. What do you mean by  Provisioning in SailPoint IIQ?

Provisioning is the process of providing the access to identities on the application.

39. What is the provisioning plan in SailPoint?

The provisioning plan contains information about the identity and application. provisioning plan contains information about three things:

  • which identity need
  • what access on
  • which application

40. What is a provisioning project?

The provisioning project has all the information of the provisioning plan requests. It’s a compiled provisioning plan.

41. What is WorkItem in SailPoint IIQ?

WorkItem is the item on which user intervention is required. In SailPoint Workitem is created to act upon it by some users. The Workitem is assigned to some user so that he/she can approve or reject action.

42. What is Access review in SailPoint?

Access review means to review or validate the access of the employee by its Manager. The manager validates or reviews that whatever the access user holds, that access is required for him to perform the operations in his job.

43. What is Joiner, Mover, Leaver in SailPoint IIQ?

Joiner: Joiner is the event trigger when any user joins the organization. Whatever action is required during the joining of the employee is configured in the joiner.

Mover: Mover is another event triggered when any employee moves from one department to another department.

Leaver: The Leaver event is triggered when an employee left the organization.

We are regularly updating this page to add more interview questions for SailPoint IIQ. You can read our SailPoint tutorial to know more about SailPoint IIQ.

44. How to access SailPoint IIQ debug page?

SailPoint IIQ debug page is the backend of SailPoint. The sailPoint debug page can be accessed by putting /debug after the URL of the installed SailPoint IIQ tool.


45. How we can encrypt and decrypt the password?

password can be encrypted and encrypted by using the decrypt rule. The decrypt rule is out of a box rule provided by default in SailPoint IIQ.

By using context.encrypt(“password”)  and context.dencrypt(“decryted password”) methods we can encrypt and decrypt password in SailPoint IIQ.

46. List a few SailPoint IIQ objects?

Below are a few SailPoint IIQ objects:

  • Identity
  • Workflow
  • Workitem
  • rule
  • Application
  • Bundle
  • Managed Attribute
  • Certification
  • Custom
  • Form
  • Policy
  • QuickLink

47. What is SailPointContext in SailPoint IIQ?

As per the official documentation of SailPoint IIQ, SailPointContext is the API for accessing the data from the database stored by SailPoint IIQ. Various core functionalities can be performed by using SailPointContext or simple context.

48. What is IQ Services?

IQ Services are used in Active Directory (AD) based applications. IQ service is used to interact with the Windows-based Active Directory to SailPoint IIQ. As AD is based on the .net framework and SailPoint IIQ is implemented in Java, so we need some intermediate between .Net and Java to interact with each other.

49. What happens if we don’t use IQ service?

If we don’t use IQ service still SailPoint IIQ can connect with Active Directory. In this case only data can be read from the AD server. We can not use provisioning and password change functionality without using IQ Service.

50. What is the default port of IQ Service?

5050 is the default port of IQ Service.

51. What is QuickLink in SailPoint?

QuickLink is the link that is shown on the homepage of the SailPoint IIQ tool. As its name suggests, it is easily accessible over the front page or in the navigation menu bar.

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